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Finite State Kernel Creator
A CASE Tool for Developing Finite State Machines

tonycu at users_sourceforge_net

Download the FSKC source code here.
Download the FSKC PDF documentation here.

What does this tool do?
The Finite State Kernel Creator (FSKC) is a Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tool that allows one to:
  1. Graphically design Finite State Machines (FSM)
  2. Easily add states and events
  3. Interactively execute previously designed FSMs
  4. Print an FSMs finite state transition table
  5. Print state and event descriptions
  6. Generate C source code implementing an FSK
  7. Incorporate a customizable length circular buffer retaining the previous state-event transitions for debugging purposes
  8. Check for infinite states and provide a warning if such states are found
  9. Define a fail-safe action for undefined state-event combinations

The FSM CASE tool allows developers to specify all valid and invalid state-event combinations of the software through a simple Graphical User Interface (GUI).  The complete state table can be printed at any time, in ASCII form, for design reviews or presentations.  With a click of a mouse button, the CASE tool will automatically create source code implementing the Finite State Kernel (FSK).  The actual functions called by the FSK can then be coded and linked with the FSK to form the complete FSM.  New states and events can be added or removed in a fraction of the time previously taken when done by hand.  Engineers can interactively step through the state machine to verify its correctness and completeness.

A few screen shots:


  The CMoy Beginners Board by Tony Cureington.
The CMoy (Chu Moy) audio amp PCB above is easy to etch, solder, and uses a TLE2426CP virtual ground instead of a voltage divider.